Report on the state of development of Public Councils

Involvement of citizens in public administration, organization of effective interaction between central and local executive authorities and local self-government bodies and the public, ensuring transparency in the activities of state bodies, taking into account public opinion and legitimate interests of citizens in formulating, implementing and making public policy , Public Councils, established to ensure the protection of fundamental human and civil rights, are unfortunately developing at a pace that is not commensurate with expectations. How can its current situation be explained if there are serious expectations from the Public Councils? The purpose of this Report was to find an answer to this question, to identify the factors influencing the development of Public Councils and to make recommendations.

With the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, the Eurasian Cooperation Foundation is implementing the "Promotion of Human Rights, Democratization and Good Governance in Azerbaijan" Program. The implementation of this project is carried out within the service "Promotion of participation in public administration" signed between the expert of the Public Union "Study of Democracy" Mirali Huseynov and the Eurasian Cooperation Foundation.


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